Sunday 11 October 2015

The System

Naturalism to me is to be yourself and be realistic when performing either in a play or performing alone.  However, discussing about Naturalism and what I knew I had heard of Method Acting but, wasn't quite sure what it meant.  However, it's really difficult to understand the terms because I feel like I get confused with naturalism and realism.

The diagram below are some of things that Naturalism include.  The two Russian practitioner's we looked at were Anton Chekhov and Stanislavski.  Chekhov is one of the leaders in naturalistic drama writing. However, he trained and briefly worked as a Doctor.  Then he pursed a career in journalism and writing short stories. Chekhov's plays include naturalism which mirror real life including real people and actually events that happened. However, another well known Russian playwright Stanislaski was different to Chekhov.  Stanislavski didn't graduate as he continued self-education while travelling in Several European countries.  He also studied in libraries and museums too.  Stanislavski is the leading practitioner of The System.

Naturalism diagram - collective answers as a class in lesson

What is the difference between naturalism and realism?

Naturalism is a mirror of life on the stage and seeks to be the exact same example of how life would occur.  This can be viewed as "an extreme form of Realism where all characters were the product of their environment." Actors in this case would act as "they would" not as "they could" meaning that the actor would act as exactly as they would in real life depending on the circumstance they were faced with.  You could be performing with your back to the audience or perhaps speaking with your mouth open as that is the way you would normally act in real life.  A realist scene would in this case represent life and the actors would make they way they act more accessible to the audience.

Naturalism is based on evolution and the importance of the environment because it has more scientific source and actions are drawn from scientific reasons.  Meanwhile, realism is only influenced but, not by much. The only part it takes is what is real and then manipulates it for it's own needs of this term.

These terms are both similar only by the way the actor is portraying a real character on stage. Realism and naturalism both needs to show the character how believable it is to the audience.  On the other hand, they are different in this manner as naturalism is as it "must happen" and the events must lead up to the scenario.

For example, in class if you were given a circumstances to break so bad news you would just let them know straight away it would be quite difficult.

We were given different scenarios in class to see how we would show to break the news. It normally occurred that we would break the news quicker than usual.  Now thinking about the scenario I was given about not having long to live I feel like it would have been very different to the way I did perform it.

I must admit I did rush and broke the bad news quite quickly.  If I was in this given circumstances, I would be looking around the room and slowly walking around maybe sat in a corner alone feeling quite down. This would be difficult to tell someone else and would take me a little while before my emotions got the better to me then let it out.

Each person would break news in different ways but, I didn't do it naturally even the body language certainly felt I was in someone else's shoes.

Realistic plots could happen but, depending on the circumstances that weren't anything to do with the circumstance but, could be influenced on questionable external factors that can still become believable to an audience.

The System

This term is the methods used by Stanislavski to raise a good performance in his actors. The main ones that we looked at was actions, objectives, the magic if, the relaxed actor and imagination.

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